Sunday, August 07, 2005

re: lynne and ronalyn. hey guys! i've just been chatting up people about what i do (and want to do). this guy, his name is chianti, that i'm working with on the project now happens to have started his own marketing business. our paths crossed last year when he was putting on his first benefit bball tournament. i showed him some of my photographs as well as some photo art type stuff and layouts. he was really excited about working together this year on the tournament as well as future projects. this particular job is pretty exciting because the tournament will be a big thing here. i designed a poster/ad that is running in the paper for four weeks and that will also go in to all the local 7-11's (conveinant store) where the tickets will most likely be sold. i designed the sponsership packet which he used to approach potential sponsers and, lastly , i will also be designing a program/booklet type thing for the tourney. oh, and taking pics there. this was my first freelance job and it just kinda came about. so , right now i'm working on networking and getting the word out. i plan to continue working with chianti in the future. but, i also want to do other things. i may have the oppurtunity to work with oklahoma's children's miracle network, volunteering photography and design stuff.

1 comment:

lynne said...

Thanks for the information! It sounds as if you are doing some desktop publishing too. You sound as if you are the whole package, lol! Take the photos, design the packets, and then put the whole project together. Sounds great to me and good luck!!! I signed up for my son's yearbook staff, so hopefully I might learn some of the desktop publishing techniques. Thanks again for your information!