Saturday, January 20, 2007

when things are fast they are really fast and when they are slow they are really slow!
the holidays were CRAZY. sooooooooo busy! and now that that has come and is really slow!
we have had a lot of snow and ice here and the kids have been out of school for a week because of it! this has
given me some time to do a little scrapping - and other things to that i like to do, lol. oh, and over the holidays, takia lost not only one tooth but two! she wouldnt let me even touch her to try to pull the first one, but instead let her 11 year old cousin and 10 year old sister hold her down and yank it out! it really was only hanging by a thread and i was worried she would swallow it, otherwise i wouldnt have even worried about it! the second one, she pulled all by herself!! i love when they get to that stage cause i do not like pulling teeth! i can barely remember to "remind" the tooth fairy to stop by! it was so funny, after a few nights of the tooth fairy being too busy , picking up other teeth, to stop by, she ended up stopping by twice in one day. apparently she has fairy workers and they dont communicate with one another very well!!!
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