Thursday, September 07, 2006

okay. so when posting the below layout tonight, i notice a text only post beneath. i dont remember posting anything. glance down to read it and it says "HI BLOGGER". i'm thinking, ok, some one has "hacked" into my blogger acct and is trying to be funny by posting this. kinda mad for a sec. and then my mama brain takes over. i remember that i've turned my ten year old daughter on to the world of hello and im'ing. mainly just to chat with her over our network here at the house. well the girl has caught the bug and gone crazy. the other night i was chatting with helen (911mom) and mikayla sees this and just has to chat with helen. helen says she's cool with that so i introduce them. she chats helen's ear off. i have a hard time getting her away from the computer and giving helen a breather. the girl is hooked. so, to sum it all up. this is my theory. i'm gone (cause this is the only time she would even try to get on my computer, she has her own and mine is off limits to her) she sits down on my computer. you know how hello is always on (at least mine is). she sees "blogger bot" log on and decides to chat with him/her. says "HI BLOGGER" , clicks enter and there we have our post. too funny! at first. cause then i think. okay she's been on my computer, which i'm picky about and theres no need, the girl has her own. two she's trying to chat with people she doesnt know. she doesnt know this "BLOGGER BOT" . now i know that blogger bot is no one but she didnt know that. she is very monitered on her computer and her only contacts in hello are me and helen (and mr. blogger bot) so i think that calls for a little chat.


Brown English Muffin said...

hope the chat went well....

Denys said...

LMAO, if it isnt the greedy one, LOL its the sneaky one. U caught her again. ThAt is so funny. LOL. U have given her a taste of the pc world, now shes HOOKED like the rest of us. LOL, LOL!!!