Wednesday, June 29, 2005

home from the doctor

we are home from the doctor and kenzie is napping. i wanted to seize this oppurtunity and scrap a layout i've had in my head all day. it will be called blah blah blah, lol. thanks ronalyn. lol.
kenzie's doctor is thinking along the same lines that i am. that her formula isnt sitting too well with her. possible lactose intolerance. i had a allergy to milk when i was a baby. and also, all of my brothers and sisters as well as my mom are now lactose intolerant (developed it as an adult). starting today we have switched her formula to a soy based one. we will try that for a week to see how it goes. if it doesnt help, we will switch to an elemental one, enfamil neutragem (same one kim). so i'm hoping that this will bring out that sweet little baby that i KNOW is in there (though i've yet to see her, lol).

it was a set up

okay, yesterday (monday actually) was a set up. za'kenzie had such a nice day! i thought we were on a roll! i got my hopes up. high. too high. too soon. it was all a set up. God must have known that today was going to be an especially rough day with her (as well as mikayla) so he gave me a bit of a reprieve yesterday to re energize myself and be ready for today. its a good thing too. other wise i might have crumbled under the pressure of it all. i did shed a tear or two though. i do feel so much better now though. mikayla and me sat down and had a long talk and all is on a good path there. parenting is such a hard job. the hardest thing that i have ever done. and, i have decided that enough is enough, i'm calling in the morning to get kenzie in to see the doctor. i know that babies cry. but this girl just cries too much, i seriously think that something is wrong with her. not seriously wrong, just not right. i'm thinking maybe acid reflux, a milk allergy or maybe just gas. on top of that i wonder if there is something else going on, maybe an ear infection or may be even colic. we shall see. the funny thing will be me explaining why i want to bring her in to the doctor. uhm yeah, can i bring my child in . what seems to be the problem? she cries. ma'am that's what babies do. crazy.


ahhhh. today ziven and me celebrate our eight year wedding anniversary. sometimes it feels like we have been together forever (10 years now) and then again sometimes it seems like it all started just yesterday! 10 years and 3 children later here we are. we have really settled in to this life together. i feel so blessed. this weekend, my sister (her brave soul) has volunteered to keep our children (all three of them and she has three of her own) overnight so that we can do some major celebrating! we wont know how to act! lol!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

my list

ok, so getting things is writing IS going to help me!!
i have made a list. in no particular order other than the order that it comes to mind. my goal is to finish this by the end of summer , preferably by the end of july.
  1. design new (color) business cards
  2. order new page info for my portfolio
  3. add new pics to my portfolio
  4. rearrange portfolio
  5. design my presentation/business card/portfolio slideshow cd
  6. order forms
  7. cut and pass out current business cards
  8. new backdrop stand
  9. buy 50mm lens
  10. buy reflector
  11. clean out behind my backdrop stand that i have now
  12. clean off the computer desk (I dont even use this computer, my husband and kids do)
  13. add prints to studio wall
  14. set up account with whcc (sent in my test prints to them yesterday!!)

some of these are real simple and wont take very long to do, but if i dont write them down they wont get done.

such a nice day

ahh. today was such a nice day with za'kenzie. she barely fussed at all. she slept in till after 9 and woke up in such a pleasant mood. smiling at me. a few little coos. it was such a great way to start the day. i really tried not to get my hopes up to high because for the last four days she has cried and cried and cried. extremely irritable. she would go hours (and hours) without sleeping because she was fussing. we had finally decided that if she was not better by today we would be calling the doctor. not sure what our complaint would have been, lol. i have suspected though that she is has a milk allergy (which i had as an infant) or that she has acid reflux. the girl spits up ALOT! and spitting up is really an understatement. it happens with EVERY feeding and usually several times. i've noticed today that she has not spit up at all and she has also not been fussy. so i wonder if these two are linked. setting aside her craziness for the last few days, she has always been a very fussy baby. very spoiled. has to be held. clingy. that makes her sound like a terrible baby. she's not. though i would not subject anyone else to her, lol. but today, a little break from the usual continous crying, was very nice. i think i fell in love with her just a little bit more today, truly.

i'm feeling really good tonight! i have made a list of things that i need and want to get done pertaining to my photography business and tonight i have crossed one off!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005

this is me and my brothers as kids. some days i think it would be so great to just be a kid again! we really didnt realize how good we had it then!! too tired to even type, lol. it has been such a long weekend. i think tomorrow i will make me a "to do " list, maybe i will start getting more accomplished.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

ronalyn's BEAUTIFUL sunsets has inspired me to post one of my own, no where near as great as hers but......

i finally caught a pic of her smiling! i am so happy with this picture just because she's actually smiling! the girl can smile but she is very stingy with her smiles!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

another favorite from this weekends shoot. i really prefer to do individuals over groups but this family was really fun. they were all supposed to be kissing dad here.

my favorite pic of za'kenzie at the moment, even though its a month old!! she's twice as old now! lol! i finally broke down and set the custom white balance on my camera! why hadnt i done that before??? it was so easy and made such a difference. i used it on a shoot this past week. here is one straight out of the camera.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

so really what is the difference between a baby that has colic and one that is just fussy? za'kenzie is a very fussy baby. she will never roll over or sit up or crawl, because when she is awake we are always holding her!!! if we try to put her down she is usually very upset. just now i calmed her , put her in her bouncy seat, she started to cry, took her back out calmed her, in , cry, out, in, cry, out - rocked to sleep. she is starting to smile a bit so thats somewhat of a bright spot. i just wonder if she's going to always be this serious and this fussy.
do you think that i can at least post a pic a day? hmm. considering that i havent even blogged in about a month, i dont know!! but i will try! i will go bug kristin and make her join me (she hasnt blogged in awhile either!) .

ok so maybe i'm starting to take way too many pics of the kids. takia will only sit for a second and the baby already thinks i'm crazy! these are the types of faces i get now when i try to take a pic of takia!! crazy child she is!!