Wednesday, June 29, 2005

home from the doctor

we are home from the doctor and kenzie is napping. i wanted to seize this oppurtunity and scrap a layout i've had in my head all day. it will be called blah blah blah, lol. thanks ronalyn. lol.
kenzie's doctor is thinking along the same lines that i am. that her formula isnt sitting too well with her. possible lactose intolerance. i had a allergy to milk when i was a baby. and also, all of my brothers and sisters as well as my mom are now lactose intolerant (developed it as an adult). starting today we have switched her formula to a soy based one. we will try that for a week to see how it goes. if it doesnt help, we will switch to an elemental one, enfamil neutragem (same one kim). so i'm hoping that this will bring out that sweet little baby that i KNOW is in there (though i've yet to see her, lol).


lynne said...

I hope the soy formula sure helps! Wow, how fast I seem to forget all those tidbits Kim suggested. My oldest seemed to spit-up every other second until he was 3! Let us know how the soy formula works!

TheCatLord said...

i hope the soy milk does the trick!