Tuesday, June 28, 2005

such a nice day

ahh. today was such a nice day with za'kenzie. she barely fussed at all. she slept in till after 9 and woke up in such a pleasant mood. smiling at me. a few little coos. it was such a great way to start the day. i really tried not to get my hopes up to high because for the last four days she has cried and cried and cried. extremely irritable. she would go hours (and hours) without sleeping because she was fussing. we had finally decided that if she was not better by today we would be calling the doctor. not sure what our complaint would have been, lol. i have suspected though that she is has a milk allergy (which i had as an infant) or that she has acid reflux. the girl spits up ALOT! and spitting up is really an understatement. it happens with EVERY feeding and usually several times. i've noticed today that she has not spit up at all and she has also not been fussy. so i wonder if these two are linked. setting aside her craziness for the last few days, she has always been a very fussy baby. very spoiled. has to be held. clingy. that makes her sound like a terrible baby. she's not. though i would not subject anyone else to her, lol. but today, a little break from the usual continous crying, was very nice. i think i fell in love with her just a little bit more today, truly.

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