Wednesday, June 29, 2005

it was a set up

okay, yesterday (monday actually) was a set up. za'kenzie had such a nice day! i thought we were on a roll! i got my hopes up. high. too high. too soon. it was all a set up. God must have known that today was going to be an especially rough day with her (as well as mikayla) so he gave me a bit of a reprieve yesterday to re energize myself and be ready for today. its a good thing too. other wise i might have crumbled under the pressure of it all. i did shed a tear or two though. i do feel so much better now though. mikayla and me sat down and had a long talk and all is on a good path there. parenting is such a hard job. the hardest thing that i have ever done. and, i have decided that enough is enough, i'm calling in the morning to get kenzie in to see the doctor. i know that babies cry. but this girl just cries too much, i seriously think that something is wrong with her. not seriously wrong, just not right. i'm thinking maybe acid reflux, a milk allergy or maybe just gas. on top of that i wonder if there is something else going on, maybe an ear infection or may be even colic. we shall see. the funny thing will be me explaining why i want to bring her in to the doctor. uhm yeah, can i bring my child in . what seems to be the problem? she cries. ma'am that's what babies do. crazy.

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