Wednesday, June 22, 2005

so really what is the difference between a baby that has colic and one that is just fussy? za'kenzie is a very fussy baby. she will never roll over or sit up or crawl, because when she is awake we are always holding her!!! if we try to put her down she is usually very upset. just now i calmed her , put her in her bouncy seat, she started to cry, took her back out calmed her, in , cry, out, in, cry, out - rocked to sleep. she is starting to smile a bit so thats somewhat of a bright spot. i just wonder if she's going to always be this serious and this fussy.


Spirit Of Owl said...

Hi, just swooping by.

You have very beautiful children. It is worrying when they seem a little ill, but I hope za'kenzie is well soon. I guess at least when they're fussy you know that they need you. :)

TheCatLord said...

they grow out of it val! i'll tell you my or hello me!